Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome to 2013 the Year of the New and Improved You

Welcome to the new year. It is time to begin your own journey into what makes you happy.  I sat up last night and worked on my own game plan for the coming year.  What I needed to do to make it happen what I wanted to experiment with or try somethings for the first time other for a second go round.  Last night I made plan because everyone knows a goal without a plan is only a wish.

I came up with a timeline for the things I want to accomplish in the new year.  I came up with estimated date of completion on several things I have in the wind that I will get accomplished this year as well as a list how I want to make many of my dreams a reality.

I even came up with a formula to follow for my blog, a blueprint if you will of what I want to concentrate on each day. That way I can plan ahead for those days that I have nothing to share that is going on in my own personal quest.  The list I came up with concentrates on different aspects of finding your own personal bliss ranging from websites I recommend as well as music that hopefully inspire others to find their own happiness in life.

I will also include Fun things that you may have never thought to try but just for a giggle is good to experience at some point in your life. Nothing to life changing or threatening just some good clean fun.  Tuesday from this point on are going to Tip days. Tips that I have found that are useful in finding your own personal bliss.  Things you can begin to do in small ways or big ways to find the things in life you get the most enjoyment from.

My first Tip for finding your bliss requires a little imagination and the ability to daydream for just a moment.  Find yourself a comfortable spot, grab a pen and paper.  Sit down and get comfortable and allow your mind to wander. Ask your inner being if you hit the lottery tomorrow and never had to worry about another bill for the rest of your life. How would you spend your time?  Would it be sailing around the world?  Perhaps it would be traveling to exotic locations?  How about living in a beach house and painting the ocean and the surrounding beaches?  Everyone has a different ideal. Everyone has a different bliss.

Now that you have dreamed your perfect life in your head I want you to write down in the center of that paper what that perfect life looks like. I want you to fill in as much detail as you can.  Are you a loner or do you share your life with someone special.  Are you independently wealthy or do you do a job you love? How do you spend your days?  Now that you have this wonderful life all mapped out in your head put it down on paper circle it. Around this circle you are going to brainstorm ways to bring this into your reality.  What are you doing for money? If you are working a job what kind of job?  What kind of training do you need to do this job?  From where you stand right this second could you find employment in that field or would it require returning to school or obtaining more education.  If you plan is to hit big on the lottery there are methods by which winning players actually employ to increase their chances of hitting it. Research that subject and get ideas on how to increase you chances.  But always have a back up plan regardless what your main source of revenue is in your dream life.  Have a plan B not to terribly far from the original game plan that you can employ to get where you want to be.

How do you spend your days in your dream life?  Are you painting or photographing your surroundings. If so take a class, invest in your dream by purchasing a camera, start writing out things you need to do in order to make this happen. Your destiny doesn't happen simply because you want it, to, it happens because you make it happen.

Next on this list who are you spending your time with?  Are you alone? Are you with someone special?  If you are with someone special do they have similar interest or they your complete opposite?  Finding the perfect match is often the biggest challenge in creating your dream life.  Many people turn to online dating but I have found that you can and will meet people in the most unlikely places once you open your mind and your heart to what you really want. I met my darling husband during a job interview for the same job.

Once you have your master plan brainstormed. Once you have a plan then begin to take action. This might be something small or something big, or maybe a combination of the two.  Always try to make some kind of progress in the path and in the meantime enjoy yourself.  Celebrate every milestone no matter how big or how small and remind yourself that every set back is a lesson learned and an experience gained.  Many successful people were huge failures before they became successes.  Success doesn't happen overnight nor does it happen when we want it to. It happens in those moments when we least expect it.

Now that you have your master plan and are taking steps, don't forget the most important part.  Enjoy yourself.  Don't be so determined to reach your final destination that you don't take the time to stop and smell the roses.  Enjoy every moment of the journey and if somewhere between point A and point B your long term goal changes because you discover that although you adore painting you really aren't good enough at it to make a living at then find something else you really enjoy or find something in that field that you can be passionate about. Be that working with artist to showcase their work, or perhaps working in a gallery or even teaching a painting class. You just never know.  Life happens when it is meant to happen. But if you don't take active steps to get where you want to be you will always be living in that woulda shoulda coulda life pattern.

And just for the record the most miserable people I have ever known have been rich. Money does not equate happiness, it often just brings along its own set of issues.  Then you are constantly worried about someone or something coming along to take away what you have worked so hard for. Find happiness where you can and in ways that money cannot buy. Such as true friends and people who care about you. Surround yourself with others who support your dreams and want to help them become a reality.  Do not allow those in your life and we all have them who want to drag you down or put down your dreams to rule your life. Never ever allow someone else to decide what is silly or a waste of time. It is your life and you are the only one who can truly make you happy or who can truly make you miserable.

This is a new year and a new chance to create the future you want.  If you are already in a good place in your career or life perhaps you just want to find a way to express yourself. Or you want to find a way to make the life you are already living better. Because you already have the man of your dreams, and the family you always longed for. There is no such thing as being to happy.  Pursue things you are passionate about regardless what they may be as long as they don't physically hurt someone in the process.

People that are used to you doing things their way are going to be opposed to this new and improved you.  They are going to try and beat you back into that neat little box they have created for you in their mind. They are going to tell you that you cannot do it, that you shouldn't do it, they are even going to make snide remarks either to your face or behind your back to try and convince you to stop. But if you allow them to stop you then you have no one to blame but yourself for not living the life you deserve.

Do what makes you happy, even if in the beginning it is only for an hour here and there, maybe it is something that you treat yourself to once a month.  If you do not take active steps to find your bliss you will wake up one day and realize that decades have flown by and now you are sitting thinking why didn't I do that when I had the chance. Do not live with regrets, share stories of your adventures  instead.  I would much rather regale my grandchildren of stories about how their grandmother for her 40's birthday decided to go bungy jumping than telling them about the good ole days when air was free and gun could be bought 3 for a penny.

Life is to short to be miserable and it will fly by in the blink of an eye and it appears to me the older you get the faster the time flies by.  So grab life by the horns, look it square in the eye and say give me your best shot.  I remember once reading you can either go to your grave in a well preserved body peacefully or you can slide into your grave sideways, screaming what a ride. I personally prefer the later, but I have always been a wild child and growing older hasn't changed that.

Do what you are comfortable with, don't do something because you read it in a blog or saw a video on youtube. Always research things to ensure your safety, but have fun. Enjoy life to the fullest and most of all enjoy the journey of finding yourself.

Well that is my tip for the day to finding your bliss.  I hope the first post of the new year finds you well and gives you some food for thought.  There are many ways to find your bliss this is just one method some do use to figure out what truly makes them happy. I will be sharing other ideas in future blogs if this one doesn't work for you or isn't a comfortable exercise for you to try.

But until tomorrow, stay safe, be happy and follow you bliss.

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