Sunday, January 13, 2013

Are you allowing your Anger at Another to rob you of your Bliss?

Have you ever been angry at a loved on or friend.  For something truly stupid like a forgotten promise or just feeling overwhelmed because sometimes it feels like you are the only one capable of changing out a toilet roll tube or picking up a towel?  That burning in your gut taking over you life and getting in the way of you doing what is making my truly happy.

We have all been there and done that from time to time. Someone we count on or some plans you made that may have been important to you but probably not as important to them slips their mind. Or you find yourself on a completely different wave length and sometimes completely different schedules and suddenly you are facing the big bad world alone.  This is why finding your bliss is so important.

By finding what makes you happy and doing what makes you happy you are able to say "It just don't matter that much" and move forward with your life.  By allowing your heart and your soul to dwell in that dark place for to long you find yourself being angry and being distracted from what is truly important in your life, being happy.  It can disrupt your sleep make you lose your appetite and make things that once made  you happy seem dull and drab.

If you let the actions of others rule the state of mind you have in your life you are not truly following your own bliss.  If you let those silly things ruin a perfectly good day, or allow the insensitivity of a another ruin what might be the best day of your life, you might be missing out an a chance to have a whole new experience.  You spend so much time being angry you miss out on all the wonderful things going on around you.  Because you are spending so much energy concentrating on the bad instead of concentrating on the good.

I am an over analytical person from time to time, ok more often than not to be honest.  And when a friend stands me up or forgets plans or even makes plans but then doesn't call to let me know those plans have changed I find myself thinking, I guess I am just not as important to that person as they are to me.  This is rarely the case, it is usually life got in the way or it slipped their mind, or the time got away from them and they forgot that you had made plans to meet at your favorite restaurant for dinner.

But instead of letting that anger and dark mood cloud you mind and occupy that space in your head, it is time to say you know what I am not going to allow this to rob me of my precious time or my precious happiness.  If it is a continual thing you might want to discuss it with that loved one but most of the time it is simply a slip of the mind and not anything that is meant to do you emotional or mental harm.

Instead of dwelling in that dark place go do something. Go take a walk in a safe location and enjoy the scenery, pop a bowl of popcorn and watch your favorite movie. Lose yourself in other activities in order to prevent losing that day in your life.  Life is way to short to be miserable and even single day lost is a day you will never get back.

If you do feel the need to discuss this with them, be kind. Remember that to every story there is two sides and perhaps there are extenuating circumstance on their side you are unaware of, such as they may lack the funding to enjoy an evening out or that their bosses made them work late and they couldn't call, or even that things got crazy in their life and they were so busy putting out fires of their own that it completely slipped their minds.

Sometimes life gets in the way of us living a blissful life.  It isn't that we don't care about others but the nature of the human beast is when the Boat is sinking we are all looking for a life preserver for our selves first and then those we love second.  They even tell you in an airplane that in the event of a water landing to put your own life jacket on before assisting those around you with theirs.  You cannot save others if you lose your own life in the process.

So before you allow that vinegar running through your veins to ruin your mood, or you allow the dark side to win yet another battle of your emotions and mind, stop and think.  Is it really that important or is it just life getting in the way?  Does this bother me enough to actually discuss it with that person and possibly ruin our friendship or is this something I can deal with by myself, perhaps calling a trusted friend and just venting or writing about it in my journal or maybe just saying whatever and moving forward with my life.

Sometimes those closest to us are not going to be all that and a bag of fries.  Sometimes they are going to forget our birthdays or anniversaries.  Sometimes our happy news to them is going to seem trivial or unimportant and that is ok. No body can be positive or your cheering squad 24/7 we all have times when we need to recharge our own emotional batteries and put our own life jackets on first.

Don't judge those around you harshly or cut all ties simply because what is important to you isn't as important to them. Understand that different life experiences and different values often times lead to different reactions to different events in our lives.  If one woman finds out she is pregnant she may be overjoyed, another may be figuring in her head how she is going to manage to afford another child, and yet another may be reserved and waiting if they have lost a child or two in the past.  Everyone is different and everyone responds differently to different scenarios.

 News that you may be overjoyed with or an activity that you may be eagerly awaiting to occur may just not carry the same kind of happiness with it for another that it may carry for you.  Try to remember this when sharing your news or counting on others to find your bliss.  Worst case scenario I always try to keep my kindle in my purse.  If a friend stands me up for dinner I go ahead and enjoy my meal out and just read or interact with those in the restaurant.  You can often sit in the bar at the bar and find yourself meeting all kinds of new and interesting people.  If it is news and a friend doesn't express the same kind of joy and excitement that you feel remember that something may be going on in their lives that may not allow them to see how important this is to you and how truly happy you are to be able to share it with them.

Never allow the actions of others to rob you of your bliss.  It just helps you learn that following your bliss and controlling your own world is all that much more important.  Tell someone else, include someone else, or just find a way to celebrate it by yourself. You cannot love another until you learn to truly love and appreciate yourself first.

I hope my words today have given you some food for thought. I hope that if you find yourself angry at a loved one you remember that life continues on and that although we are angry right this moment, it doesn't last.  That everyone has those days and you are not alone in it.  Just try to be positive, try to refocus your energy, try to remain calm and in time everything works out the way it is meant to work out. Maybe not the way we planned it or the way we dreamed of it, but it always works itself out.

Until Tomorrow blog buddies. Be safe, be sane, and be happy.

The whole reason for finding your bliss is there is something more, the question is are you going to let the actions of others dictate whether or not you find it.  Take control of your life back. Learn to be happy with yourself and the rest will fall into place. Learn to love your own company and no one can make you feel alone.

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