Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Resolutions and finding your bliss

Many times we make promises to ourselves and others during the New Years celebration, some may be not to drink so much in the coming year or lose that pesky 5 lbs that has been haunting us for the last decade. Perhaps it is to stop smoking or take better care of bodies. But the majority of people do not stick with their New Years Resolutions. They usually last a week at best and then we are right back to square one.  Doing the same destructive behavior we promised to give up just because we were changing our annual calenders on a wall.

When you make a commitment to finding your bliss you may find your internal demons fighting with each other. One may be telling the other that this is a waste of time, you never finish anything, you never accomplish your goals, you never do what you say you are going to do (at least if it for yourself).  Don't listen to them.  This is just your past trying to influence your present and your future.

Finding your bliss isn't going to happen over night. It isn't going to magically appear on your horizon because you want it to.  It is a journey of self discovery and of finding out more about yourself.  I was once told by a very wise grandmother that you cannot truly love someone else if you do not love yourself first.  I have taken her advice to heart.

Women often lose their own identity in the process of supporting a spouse or raising children.  We often times forget what really makes us happy between carpooling to the Soccer matches or making sure that our husbands suits get picked up at the cleaners.  I ask that for this coming year instead of making New Years resolutions you enter into a contract with yourself.  That you will take the time to do something, anything no matter how small that brings a smile to your face and laughter to your lips at least once a week. Be that making time to have coffee with that friend you have all but lost touch with, or spending that extra 10 minutes in the bathtub or shower just because it feels good.

Do something for yourself in the coming year, don't make promises that you probably won't even remember 6 months from now. Take your own happiness as seriously as you take the well being of those around you.  Learn how to take personal time, be that 10 minutes or 24 hours and just do what makes you happy.  Turn the ringer off on your phone or screen your calls and only allow those who support your dreams and goals.  Surround yourself with positive people who will understand your desire to be a better,  happier person.

Don't allow those voices in your head to dictate how you will live your life.  Tell them if they don't have anything helpful to add to the conversation to shut the hell up.  Make sure that in the coming year you make yourself a priority in your life.  If you have always dreamed of painting and really enjoy the feel of brush in your hand and canvas covered in paint, do something to make that a reality.  Start watching videos on painting, invest in yourself and your own well being to buy a handful of paints and a couple of quality brushes and some canvases.

We all have strive, we all have bills, and yes we all have doubts. But until you take a stand and say this is my life and I am going to be happy, nothing will ever change.  If you find yourself sitting in a room thinking about how miserable your life it then it is time for a change.  If you count the moments until you can fall back into bed and put just another day in your journal, then it is time for change.

If you cannot find a great reason to climb out of bed then it is time you found something that makes you happy.  Volunteer your time to help others, start doing something for yourself, find something anything that makes you happy.  Life is way to short to be miserable and you really don't want to wake up 20 years from now filled with shoulda woulda coulda.  It is much better to look back on the things we try and say OK I did that and well it wasn't fun so I didn't do it again. Or better yet I tried that once wasn't that great but what the heck lets try it again just to make sure.

I would much rather go to my grave knowing that I lived a life filled with new experiences and joy than one filled with missed opportunities.  Take that chance, feel that emotion, learn to dance in the rain.  Embrace life because once it is over it is over, there is no do over. There is no second chance at happiness. Once a moment is passed that is a moment lost that can never be recaptured.  If you try something that has always intrigued you and it doesn't make you happy you can check that off your list or even say OK I tried it didn't like it so not something for my life right now.

Now I am not advising anyone to run out and do something stupid or dangerous. But if every morning you rise and have the same old cup of coffee with the same old creamier. Take a walk on the wild side, try a new blend or better yet try a different drink. Life becomes mundane all to quickly and we all fall into those ruts we struggle to climb out of it, be that with our clothes, our hair, our jobs, our marriages, or even our life choices.

In the coming year open yourself up to new experiences, learn to take some chances.  Don't let another year slip by while you tell yourself some day I will (fill in the blank).  Take active steps to make that dream a reality, do something even if it baby steps to bringing that dream into your reality.

Until next time my friends, stay safe, stay sane and most of all enjoy your life.

Brandy is a foster in our home and with our Rescue she has learned the secret to being happy just enjoy life as it comes and never miss an opportunity to smile.

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