Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bliss what is it and why do we need it?

I have had many people ask since I began this blog what exactly is the point in finding your bliss?  Why spend so much time and energy on something that you may never find or keep?  My answer is a simple one. Life is to short to be miserable and if you can do something to change that why wouldn't you?  Bliss is that happy state when everything around you just feels right. It is those moments in your life that even during troubled times you find yourself revisiting in your mind.  It is the happiness that every living being deserves.

For some that might be baking, for others that might be sewing, or painting, or even writing. It is a creative outlet that you are born to do. Sometimes we can turn our passions into paycheck other times it is something we do in order to make ourselves happy when no other person can achieve that mental state in us.  It is the one constant that you have that you can always count on to lighten your mood and restore you mental and emotional charge.

Where do you find your bliss well that is a harder question to answer. For each person it is different.  Just like some people adore strawberry ice cream and other others prefer butter pecan. Everyone's own personal bliss is something of their own choosing and creation.  There is no hard and fast method for finding your bliss. It takes a willingness to step outside our of normal boundaries and explore the world at large.  It is revisiting past experiences and taking a long hard look at how we felt in that moment. Did those experiences excite you?  Did they make our hearts race and minds feel free?  Is it something you would like to do again just to see if it is your bliss or do you truly believe it was a one time something new experience?

I did a lot of web searching today for help in discovering a way to help others find their bliss.  I have had several private emails and private messages from those who would like to find their bliss but have no clue where to begin the search. Mine began with taking a long hard look at my life and beginning to evaluate my life experiences and which ones brought me the most joy but everyone has a different method for finding their own bliss. I will share with you what I found while surfing as well as the link I found it on.

12 Steps to Finding Your Bliss

1) Begin to tell the truth to yourself about what heals you and what hurts you.
2) Take action steps to build self-nurturing activities into your schedule.
3) Consider ways to minimize the activities that disempower you. Do you really need to work on that committee? What would it take to release the person you feel you have to save?
4) Make a list of the talents or activities for which you are most acknowledged and rewarded. For what do your friends praise you the most?
5) Make choices on the basis of the peace they bring. If something is for you, it will feel like it fits. You will be able to breathe with your choice and sleep peacefully at night.
6) What would you do even if you weren't getting paid for it?
7) Follow your intuition. Aliveness and success follow imaginative impulses. Joy does not pander to rational processes.
8) Can you not do it? The voice for joy will keep knocking at your door until you heed its call.
9) When in doubt, don't. Practice acting from the strength of your heart rather than your calculating mind or fear.
10) Let it be easy. Struggle is a sure sign that you have lost sight of the joy path. Struggle is a red flag that you need to retrace your steps and choose the path with heart.
11) Watch for signs.
12) Launch out on faith -- take a risk. The greatest successes begin with a leap of faith.

Found at:

Everyone's bliss comes in a wide variety of places. You might find you bliss in helping others, you might find your bliss in helping or taking time for yourself.  You might find your bliss in creating something that no one but yourself will ever see or read. But find your bliss you must because life is filled with hardships. It is filled with the mundane details that make life what it is, life.  But as my Dad always told me. What is the point of living if you are merely existing?  If you entire life is nothing more than having a job you report to , or having a family you care for, or even just muddling through each day and surviving it.  What exactly is the point?

Finding your bliss isn't the act of a selfish person. It isn't taking anything away from those in your care or those you care about. Finding your bliss will make you into a better person, a happier person, someone who has tapped that invisible energy that exist in our world and harnessing it into a happier existence for all those who come in contact with it.

Have you ever noticed how hanging out with people who are sad or upset all the time saps your energy, but walk into a room with someone who is happy, truly happy, not pretending to be happy because they don't want the world to see their true self. But someone who has discovered that one or two or half a dozen things that truly make them happy and make time in their schedule to do just that. Their presence will energize you, it will inspire you, it can at times lift your spirits no matter how bad your day has been. Those people who look at the bright side of life instead of dwelling in that dark place that lingers in the corners of all of our minds.

Those people have found their bliss, it may be as simple as taking time for themselves once a day or once a week or even once a month to mentally and emotionally recharge their life batteries. Those are the people who change the world for the better. Those are the people who know life is rough but so what the alternative is much worse.  Those are the kind of people you want to surround yourself with and learn from.  If you discover yourself and your own personal bliss perhaps you may motivate someone else to do the same and in the process spread the happiness and joy that can be found within.

No one can make you happy or make you sad without your permission.  Many people think if they find the perfect mate, the perfect job, or the perfect life. That the rest will fall into place. It helps yes, but when you have a bad day with that perfect mate, or your boss is being a real ass hat on that perfect job, or some rain falls into that perfect life you find yourself back at square one.  However if you find your bliss you can go there any time those dark shadows threaten.  Even if it is only in your mind.  You can recapture that essence of happiness and suddenly those dark days are near as dark.

This is the journey I am on.  This is why I am blogging this life experience.  Some days I am no closer to finding my bliss than the day I started this journey, other days I make amazing strides towards my end goal of not only finding it but also of living my bliss.  I am keeping this online journal for those who would like to watch this step by step or perhaps join me in this journey.

If anyone would like to share their own personal stories or perhaps have a sounding board for finding their own personal bliss you are welcome to post comments. I look forward to hearing from you all.

I hope today you all had a productive and blessed day, and I hope that tomorrow is even better than today.  Until tomorrow my friends I am outta here.

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