Monday, August 26, 2013

Loving Yourself enough to do what makes you Happy

I haven't written in a while because right now my life is filled beyond capacity.  It is filled with happy memories and new experiences and new feelings. Both about myself and my life in general.  But I had the time today to give an update on my journey towards finding my bliss.

Sometimes it isn't easy doing what makes you happy. You may encounter obstacles in the least expected places. Sometimes well meaning friends and family members may feel the need to label your needs as selfish. They may even feel that you are in some way doing a disservice to them because you are stretching out and touching new horizons.  They may feel threatened because you are doing things they only dreamed of but were never brave enough to try for themselves.

Don't be disheartened by this negative feedback.  Take it for what is worth. Learn from your mistakes and move forward. Pursue what brings true joy to your life. Be that taking some new chances or simply being brave enough to show your real face to the world.  Never apologize for being brave it is a rare quality not found in many.

Never allow the feelings of other to stop you from being happy. People come and go in your life. Even family members can become distant with time.  But you are the only person who has to live your life day to day.  You are also the only person you have to answer to in the long run. 

Do what makes you happy as long as those choices bring no one any real injury.  Perhaps you cannot give as much of your time to your favorite charity or participate in those family activities that you have once been a stable aspect at. But in the long run finding your own bliss will make you a much better person. More centered and more stable for all those who remain in your life.

You cannot be happy with others until your first learn to be happy with yourself.  You cannot center your world around another person no matter how much you love them. Children grow up and move on with their lives. Parents grow older and die and loved ones may come and go.  Those are changing aspects of your life.  They are not stationary nor are they permanent.  Nothing in life is guaranteed, not even our next breath.  So why put off your dreams until another day when there may or may not be another day in your future.

I am not saying to quit your job and move to Tibet to follow some Eastern religion. I am not saying to divorce your spouse of several decades simply because at the moment they may not quiet fit into your ideal world as you see it. I am saying take time for yourself. 10 minutes a day or one day a week, or something that makes you a priority.

You don't have to be a slave of the universe you only have to do what makes life more bearable.  Something I have learned in the last year of this journey of self exploration. I am far more capable than I originally thought.  Yes many things still scare me and yes I am still not quiet brave enough to do all the things I want to try, but with baby steps I am approaching those things with a new perspective.

We as human beings evolve and change with time, and experiences. We learn new ways to approach problems and new ways to interact with our global community.  There is no right or wrong way to approach something, only ways we haven't tried or ways we did and that didn't work.  We have to think outside the box sometimes and we have to know that although we may fall down or fail we still continue on.

We learn in this life that we are not always right but we are never always wrong.  That we learn as we go and by expanding our horizons and stepping outside our comfortable boundaries we are capable of being so much more than we began.  That life is ever changing and that we as humans are constantly learning. Think about where we would be if ever invention ever created was stopped because their first attempt failed.  How far we would have progressed as a people and as a society if we had patiently waited for our ideas to catch up with our real lives.

Once upon a time being an independent writer took years to accomplish.  And for many it was a dead end dream. Now with the stroke of a key we can publish our ideas and our thoughts and make them publicly seen.  We can write blogs create videos we share on our networking sites and share with the world our brilliance and our failures.  We as a global community are learning to live in harmony with all gods creatures both human and animal and to try to live in harmony within ourselves and our habits. To leave a smaller carbon footprint and learning form others skills that without the internet we may have never been exposed to.

The world is your oyster all you have to do is belly up to the buffet.  You can research any subject that intrigues you via youtube and google or bing at no cost to your household.  You can get ideas on how others have done things via networking sites by simply asking your friends.  You can learn from others and share your own experiences in hopes of encouraging others to follow their own bliss.

Be that in photography, writing, glass blowing, or sky diving.  We can live vicariously through first person videography and feel our hearts race as we try new things and push out towards new perimeters in our life.  We are only restricted by the boundaries we place on ourselves.  The man who says he cannot probably won't.  The one who believes anything is possible will always succeed in the end.  The journey and the direction is up to you.

I wanted to share this for those who are following me or who read my blog to hopefully give them strength and knowledge that failure does not define you, it only helps you figure out what works and what doesn't.  Where your true passions lie and what makes you happy. Discovering who you are is a journey within our own souls.  It helps us define who we are in the bigger scheme of things.  It also helps us expand our knowledge and continue to grow as people and as citizens of our global community.

I am proud to say I have reached my first goal with the blog it has been read over 1,000 times in less than a year.  I am very proud of the blogs I have written and the things I have learned along the way.  I have explored things that terrified me and done things that I never thought possible until now.  I now know that nothing is impossible if I am determined enough and want them bad enough. That the only thing to fear is fear itself and that I will be made better for having taken this journey.

I hope my words give you food for thought. I hope that everyone who reads these words take a long hard look at their own lives and figure out what is working and what isn't. That they on occasion take that walk on the wild side and truly live.  Life isn't about how many breaths you take but the moments that take your breath away.  Live life to the fullest. Never forget that there is so much out there that you haven't tried or tasted or experienced.  Never stop learning and know that you will be a better more rounded person for the effort of this journey. 

Who knows you may even learn that something you have hated your entire life when prepared a different way or approached with a different mind set is now your absolute favorite thing in the world.

Until next time blog buddies. Stay safe, stay sane, and be happy.

An amazing shot I never could have gotten if 
I allowed my fear of spiders to dictate 
what I was capable of.

Another Amazing shot I would have missed if I 
had not stepped outside my comfort zone to explore 
new boundaries.

Not my photo but one that inspired me on a networking site.  
Hoping that is does the same for my readers.

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